Range Filters display chart information and allow you to integrate dynamic master filtering for other dashboard items.
Chart Data, displayed on the Range Filter, can be added in the form of Values, Arguments and Series.
Adding Data
Data fields are bound to the Range Filter by dragging them to the Data Items Pane as Values, Arguments or a Series.
Additionally, Hidden Data Items can be used for additional configurations, such as filtering, without displaying the field on the Dashboard Item.
Working with Range Filter Data
Each Dashboard Item has different requirements for the data you add to it. Similar to Charts, Range Filters use Values, Arguments and Series displayed, typically, on two axes: X-Axis and Y-Axis.
Each Data Item can be formatted by hovering over the item and clicking the options icon (right aligned down arrow).
• | Values - Data items which are calculated and displayed against the Y-Axis. Multiple values are supported and can be be visualized using different Series Types (see below). |
• | Arguments - Data items displayed along the X-Axis. A Value is displayed on the chart for each Argument. Range Filters use this data for filtering. |
• | Series - Data items used to create chart series. A Value is displayed on the chart for each Series within each argument. How that Value is represented depends on the Series Type. |
Series Types
Series Types provide options for visualizing chart series.
Series Options are accessed by clicking the series icon located to the right of the Values Placeholder in the Data Items pane.
Range Filters support the following Series Types:
• | Bar - Displays a bar representing each Value |
• | Stacked Bar - Displays the contribution of each Value in relation to the whole |
• | Full-Stacked Bar - Shows the percentage of each Value’s contribution to the whole |
• | Line - Plots points, connected by a straight line for each series across each argument |
• | Stacked Line - Shows the trend of the contribution for each value |
• | Full-Stacked Line - Shows the trend of the percentage for each value |
• | Area - Displays a straight line connecting data points for each Value across each argument, shading the area between the plotted line and the X Axis. Areas display a line and shading for each Series bound to the Chart. |
• | Stacked Area - Shows the trend of contribution for each Value, shading the area between the plotted line and then next Series. |
• | Full-Stacked Area - Shows the trend of percentage for each Value, shading the area between the plotted line and then next Series. |
Consider the following example for filtering other items that visualize Employee Utilization.
Series Type
Hours (Sum)
Work Date (Month)
Charge Type
Stacked Bar
The Range Filter will display a bar for each month that shows a breakdown of direct and indirect hours. Using the Stacked Bar, displays each hours amounts in relation to the total hours for the given month.
TIP: If you’ve added data but don’t see it reflected, click the Refresh button above the Field List in the Data Browser (left-hand pane of the designer).
Predefined Ranges
The Range Filter uses selection thumbs (window bar) to filter out data by adjusting the size and moving across the X-Axis (timeline in most cases). The size of the selection thumb represents the range by which data is filtered.
Predefined Ranges can be added to the Range Filter right-click options menu for quick selection.
To add a predefined range:
1. | Click the Design Tab from the toolbar |
o | Optionally, right-click the Range Filter |
3. | From the dialogue, double-click the periods listed in the left hand pane of the dialogue as appropriate. Note, Custom Periods (see below) can be added/edited as needed. |
o | Add - Adds a custom period (see below) |
o | Edit - Edits the highlighted period (see below) |
o | Delete - Removes the highlighted period |
o | Default - Click to make this range the default range for the Range Filter. |
o | Caption - Caption to display when right-clicking the period. Editable by typing over the listed value. |
o | Period - Shows the effective timeframe |
o | Type - Shows the type of endpoints associated with the timeframe |
▪ | <—> - Float. Endpoint date is relative to the current date. |
▪ | |—| - Fixed. Endpoint date is Defined. |
The items listed will now reflect when right-clicking the Range Filter.
Custom Periods
Periods can be customized or created as needed from the Edit Periods dialogue by clicking Add/Edit as appropriate. In either case, the Period dialogue will display where you can define a custom period as follows. Note, the Period dialogue displays the resulting period below the options.
• | - Year - A period defined in years |
o | Previous Year - Entire previous year |
o | This Year - Entire current year. Note, this would include values beyond the current date for the current year (e.g. through 12/31 of the current year) |
o | Next Year - Entire next year |
o | Last Years - Defined number of previous years |
o | Next Years - Defined number of subsequent years |
o | Include Current - Includes the current year in the definition of Last Years and Next Years. |
• | Quarter - A period defined in quarters |
o | Previous Quarter - Entire previous quarter |
o | This Quarter - Entire current quarter. Note, this would include values beyond the current date for the current quarter |
o | Next Quarter - Entire next quarter |
o | Last Quarters - Defined number of previous quarters |
o | Next Quarters - Defined number of subsequent quarters |
o | Include Current - Includes the current quarter in the definition of Last Quarters and Next Quarters. |
• | Month - A period defined in months |
o | Previous Month - Entire previous year |
o | This Month - Entire current month. Note, this would include values beyond the current date for the current month |
o | Next Month - Entire next month |
o | Last Months - Defined number of previous months |
o | Next Months - Defined number of subsequent months |
o | Include Current - Includes the current month in the definition of Last Months and Next Months. |
• | Custom - A custom period |
o | None - Period spans the enter visible range |
o | Fixed - Defines a fixed start and end date (right to left respectively) |
o | Flow - Defines a relative start and end date (right to left respectively) |
▪ | Interval - Defines the interval from the current date |
▪ | Offset - Defines the offset from the current date |
▪ | Example: Year (Interval), -1 (Offset) = 2015 assuming a current year of 2016. |
Data added to range filters is automatically formatted based on the data type. That said, formats can be edited by clicking the Options button (down arrow) seen when hovering over the data item.
Date Values
Date Values have several display options. To change display settings, hover over the data item and complete the following:
1. | Click the Options button (down arrow) |
2. | Select the Date type (e.g. Year, Quarter, etc) |
3. | Optionally set the Format |
o | Full (e.g. Month = October, etc.) |
o | Abbreviated (e.g. Month = Oct, etc.) |
o | Numeric (e.g. Month = 10, etc.) |
o | Long (e.g. Date-Hour = Saturday, October 15, 2016 10:57pm (en-US)) |
o | Short (e.g. Date-Hour = 10/15/2016 10:57pm (en-US)) |
o | Time Only (e.g. Date-Hour = 10:57pm (en-US)) |
Range Tools
Range Filters feature a specific set of design and data tools, available from the toolbar (some options are also available by right-clicking the chart).
All toolbar items feature tool tips which explain (in short) the core functionality of the toolbar option.
Data Tab
The Data Tab includes several options for data shaping.
• | Edit Filter - Use to add/edit filters on the grid based on displayed or Hidden Data Items. |
• | Clear - Clears all filters |
• | Cross Data-Source Filtering - Allows a Master Filter to affect data items displaying data from other data sources. |
• | Ignore Master Filter - Range Filters can interact with other dashboard items marked as a Master Filter (e.g. data displayed on the pivot is filtered by, for instance, a bar chart). Clicking Ignore Master Filter removes interactivity. |
Design Tab
Range Filters allow the following design options.
• | Show Caption - Shows/Hides the caption (e.g. “Grid 1” displayed at the top left of the dashboard item). |
• | Edit Names - Used to configure display name for the Dashboard Item |
• | Series Type - Similar to the series icon, you can set the series type from the design tab |
• | Edit Periods - Used to add predefined ranges (discussed above) |
• | Global Colors - A global color scheme colors identical data items similarly across all dashboard items |
• | Local Colors - A local color scheme sets colors for the selected data item only |
• | Edit Colors - Edits the Global or Local Color Scheme |