Purchase Orders

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Purchase Orders applet handles the creation and management of Purchase Orders.


Purchase Orders are created to track the fulfillment of goods and services (e.g. Supplies, Sub-consultant contracts, etc.).


Creating a new Purchase Order consists of assigning a unique PO Number, PO Name, Requester, PO Date and applicable line-items. All other fields are considered optional and are used as needed to support your firm's requirements for Purchasing.


Purchase Orders are processed (Submitted, Approved, Issued, etc.) on a line-item basis. As such each Purchase Order must include at least one line-item.


Each line-item should include all information necessary to support the requirements of the Purchase Order. Additionally, if using Convert to Purchase Journal, each line-item should support your A/P and Billing requirements for the Purchase Journal entry. This may include attributes such as: Project, Expense Code, G/L Account, etc. Note, many attributes can be pre-defined using the Items applet.


While each Purchase Order may have varying levels of complexity, line-items can be added manually in the grid, added by using a pre-defined Item or copied from an existing PO (Add from PO).



Field Definitions


Toolbar Buttons


Save - Saves the Purchase Order
New - Create a new Purchase Order
Copy - Creates a Copy of the loaded Purchase Order
Delete - Deletes the loaded Purchase Order. Note this deletes the entire Purchase Order. To delete individual rows, highlight the row(s) and use the Delete key.
Documents - Loads the Documents dialogue from which documents can be uploaded, viewed, modified and/or deleted.
Submit - Submits the Purchase Order for approval. InFocus supports line-item approval.
Recall - Recall a previously submitted Purchase Order
Reject - Reject all lines on a submitted Purchase Journal
Approve - Approve all lines on a Purchase Order
Issue - Issue an approved Purchase Order to the Vendor. Launches the Issue Purchase Order dialogue.
Cancel - Cancels an issued Purchase Order
Add from PO - Copies a line-item from an existing Purchase Order. Launches the Add from PO dialogue.
Convert to Purchase Journal - Converts a received Purchase Order to a Purchase Journal for standard A/P Processing and Billing. Launches the Convert to Purchase Order dialogue.
Print - Print the loaded Purchase Order


PO Header


PO Lookup (upper right) - Search by PO Number or internal ID
Requester - Employee requesting the purchase order. Required. Each logged in employee can select themselves or any employee to which they are assigned as a Delegate.
PO Number - Purchase Order number. Required and must be unique. Auto Codes are supported.
PO Name - Purchase Order name. Required.
PO Date - Purchase Order date. Required.
Required By - Date the Purchase Order should be fulfilled by. This field also supports plain text (e.g. "ASAP").
Bill To - Bill to address. Default set in Global Settings.
Approver - Default approver for Purchase Order line-items. InFocus supports line-item approval.
Vendor - Vendor responsible for fulfilling the Purchase Order
Vendor Address - Vendor address, typically a Pay To address
Terms - Vendor terms (e.g. 15 Days)
F.O.B. - Terms related Freight On Board
Shipping - Shipping terms
Ship To - Ship to address for shipped goods. Allowable Ship To addresses are sourced from Global Settings (AD>Global Settings>Purchasing tab), Employees (HR>Employees>Purchasing tab) and/or Vendor (AP>Vendors>Purchasing tab) settings.
Custom Comment Box 1 (top) - User definable text to display on the printed Purchase Order (e.g. Reference #, etc.). Defined via AD>Global Settings>Purchasing tab.
Custom Comment Box 2 (bottom) - User definable text to display on the printed Purchase Order (e.g. Reference #, etc.). Defined via AD>Global Settings>Purchasing tab.
Template - When checked, the Purchase Order is marked as a Template.
Approval Status - Status of the PO in the approval process. Based on the sum status of all line-items.
Completion Status - Status of the PO in the fulfillment process. Based on the sum status of all line-items.
Receipt Status - Status of receipt of goods. Based on the sum status of all line-items.
Issue Status - Status of issuance


PO Line Items


Purchase Orders uses standard Purchasing Columns.


Standard Columns


Current (button) - Displays the current version of the Purchase Order (default)
Original (button) - Displays the originally Issued version of the Purchase Order
Line Num - Row number in the grid
Item - Item Code. Optional. Click the lookup for a list of available Items.
Quantity - Quantity, used to calculate Extended cost (e.g. Quantity * Unit Price). Required.
Unit - User definable Unit Type, configured in AD>List Management.
Unit Price - Price per Unit (e.g. $10.00 / Each, $100.00 / Dozen, $1500.00 / Day, etc.)
Extended - Cost extension (e.g. Quantity * Unit Price)
Description - Line-item description. Appears on Purchase Order report
Comments - Comments to appear on the Purchase Order report
Project Path - Project to be charged once Converted to Purchase Journal
Expense Code - Expense Code to govern line-item attributes when Converted to Purchase Journal (e.g. Markup, Direct G/L Base Code, etc.)
G/L Account - G/L Account to charge when Converted to Purchase Journal
Approved - Line-item approval status
Received - Line-item receipt status


Additional Columns


Below are additional columns available by clicking the column chooser (gear icon).


Extended (Rounded) - Cost extension, rounded to the nearest hundredth.
Approved By - User who approved the line item
Approved Date - Date approved
Approver Emp ID - Employee ID (internal) of the user who approved the line item
Approver Empname - Employee Name of the user who approved the line item
Approver Emp Code - Employee Code of the user who approved the line item
Base Cost XRate - Cost Exchange Rate in Base System Currency (Multi-Currency only)
Base Ext Cost Amount - Cost extension in Base System Currency (Multi-Currency only)
Base Ext Cost Amount Rnd - Cost extension, rounded to the nearest hundredth in Base System Currency (Multi-Currency only)
Comp Cost XRate - Cost Exchange Rate in Company Currency (Multi-Currency only)
Comp Ext Cost Amount - Cost extension in Company Currency (Multi-Currency only)
Comp Ext Cost Amount Rnd - Cost extension, rounded to the nearest hundredth in Company Currency (Multi-Currency only)
Create By - User who created the record
Create Date - Date created
Do Not Summarize - Used to indicate if matching line-items should not be summarized into one line. Defaults to False (e.g. by default matching lines will be summarized).
ECID - Expense Code ID
ECname - Expense Code Name
GLID - G/L Account ID
GLname - G/L Account Name
Note - Internal notes
Item ID - Item ID
Last Reject Date - Date stamp of latest rejection
Last Rejection Reason - Reason for latest rejection
Modify By - User who last modified the record
Modify Date - Last date modified
PJLineID - Linked Purchase Journal Line ID. Established when processing Convert to Purchase Journal or by manually linking via AP>Purchase Journal>Link PO.
POItem Approval Status ID - Approval Status internal ID associated with the line item
POItem Approval Status Code - Approval Status Code associated with the line item
POItem Receipt Status ID - Receipt Status internal ID associated with the line item
Project ID - Project ID associated with the line item
Projectname - Project Name
Project Code - Project Code
Line - Internal line ID
Project Long Name - Concatenated project name (e.g. Million Dollar Bridge-Schematic Design-Task 1)
Purchase Order ID - Purchase Order ID associated with the line item
Purchase Order Name - PO Name associated with the line item
Submit By - User who submitted the Purchase Order
Submit Date - Date the Purchase Order was submitted
Transmit By - User who Issued the Purchase Order
Transmit Date - Date the Purchase Order was Issued
Unit Typename - Unit Type Name
Received By - User who marked the line-item received
Received Date - Date the line-item was received