Fixed Fee Tab Accounts Receivable>PA Bill Review

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The Fixed Fee tab is used by project accounts to perform fixed fee modifications on a project-by-project basis prior to invoicing.


Key Concepts

To see Fixed Fee items for a specific project, click on the project in the Filter Window.
Columns in the detail grid can be dragged to change order.


Field Descriptions

PC Formula

Percent Complete Formula - The drop-down contains predefined formulas managed in Global Settings>A/R Tab>Percent Complete Calculation Default Formula
Calculate All - When selected, the Calculate All button will calculate the percent complete for all contract WBS nodes. The Calculate  All button will calculate percent complete for the WBS node on the given line.
Allow Percent Complete Below Previous Value - When Unchecked, the check box will prevent the calculated percent complete from going below the previously recorded percent complete.


Fixed Fees Grid

Project Path - Project Path
Project Name - Project Name
Contract Amount - This is the amount entered in the Contract Levels / Caps within the project being viewed.
Effort - This is total effort to date.
Billed - This is Fixed Fee + ICC Billed Revenue.
BTD% - Billed to Date Percentage
Current Amt. - This is the calculated revenue to bill based on contract X percent complete less previously billed.
Prior % Complete - The previous percent complete amount.  Note - When the Current % Complete amount has been saved, it becomes the Previous % Complete number.
Current % Complete - The current percent complete amount that is being billed.
Current ICC to Apply - The current ICC amount to be applied to this billing transaction.
ICC Contract Amount - ICC Contract amount entered in the Contract Levels / Caps within the project being viewed
Lump Sum - Current Lump Sum amount to be billed.
Calc PC - Runs the PC Formula on the individual line item.
Fixed Fee Notes - Internal notes associated with the Fixed Fee.
Invoice Description - Invoice Description notes associated with the contract level of the project.


Additional Field Descriptions (Column Chooser)

Fixed fees Grid

Project Long Name - Name of the project including the concatenation of the lower nodes of the project.
Labor Budget - Labor Budget amount entered through Project Planning. More on Project Planning Budgets
ODC Budget - Other Direct Charges Budget amount entered through Project Planning.
ICC Budget - In Contract Consultants Budget amount entered through Project Planning.
OCC Budget - Out of Contract Consultants Budget amount entered through Project Planning.
Total Budget - All Budget amounts entered through Project Planning.
Labor Effort - Labor Effort against the contract level.
ODC Effort - Other Direct Charges Effort against the contract level.
ICC Effort - In Contract Consultants Effort against the contract level.
OCC Effort - Out of Contract Consultants Effort against the contract level.
Labor Contract - Labor Contact Cap.
ODC Contract - Other Direct Charges Contact Cap.
OCC Contract - Out of Contract Consultants Contact Cap.
Fixed Fee Billed - Fixed Fee Billed Revenue.
Labor Billed - Labor Billed Revenue.
ODC Billed - Other Direct Charges Billed Revenue.
ICC Billed - In Contract Consultants Billed Revenue.
OCC Billed - Out of Contract Consultants Billed Revenue.
Labor WIP - Labor Work in Progress.
ODC WIP - Other Direct Charges Work in Progress.
ICC WIP - In Contract Consultants Work in Progress.
OCC WIP - Out of Contract Consultants Work in Progress.
Total WIP - Total Work in Progress.