Invoice Billing Adjustment pop-up Accounts Receivable>PA Bill Review

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The Invoice Billing Adjustment pop-up allows you to modify individual transactions in PA Bill Review.  There are different options for labor and non-labor transactions.


Field Descriptions

Labor Transactions

Bill Status - Bill Status of the Transaction
Job Title - Job Title of the Transaction. More on Job Titles
Bill Hrs - Bill Hours of the Transaction
Labor Code - Labor Code of the Transaction. More on Labor Codes
Location - Location of the Transaction. More on Locations
PM Comment - Comment
Base Regular Rate - Regular Pay rate
Premium Multiplier - Overtime multiplier
Premium Rate - Overtime rate
Bill Rate - Bill (Effort) rate
Bill DPE Multiplier - Direct Personnel Expense Multiplier
Bill Overhead Multiplier - Overhead Multiplier
Bill Profit Multiplier - Profit Multiplier
Re-Calc Rates - When selected, the transaction will recalculate on Save to adjust rates. When un-checked, you are able to specify the rates that you would like the transaction to reflect.


Non-Labor Transactions

Bill Status - Bill Status of the Transaction
Markup Type - Markup Type of the Expense. Options are Markup, Flat Amount and Add-on. More on Expense Types
Markup Amount - Markup Amount of the Expense
PM Comments - Comment