Resource Projections Detail Human Resources>Resource Projections

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The Resource Projection screen has 2 windows; a top and a bottom. The top displays the detail and the bottom displays the filter options.


Note - You can left-click and hold on the blue header strip on the Filter section of the window to "un-dock" the filter section. To return it to its original location, simply double-click on the blue  header strip on the Filter section.



Field Descriptions


Resource Projections Grid (top grid)

Employee - Name of the employee.
Allowed - Number of hours employee or job title can work for a given period of time.
Used -  Number of hours employee or job title has been scheduled for a given period.
Balance - Allowed Minus Used. There is an option under View in the toolbar to hide this column.


Filters Grid

View Dates

Start Date - Starting date for schedules to evaluate.
For - Number of Date View units that the top grid will look forward.
Date View - Block of time that the top grid will look forward. Options are Days, Weeks Months Calendar Weeks and Calendar Months.
Include Saturday - When selected, Saturdays are included when retrieving the numbers.
Include Sunday - When selected, Sundays are included when retrieving the numbers.
By Employee - When checked, projections are by employee.
By Job Title - When checked, projects are by job title.

Employee Info

Employee - When selected, only information for the specific Employee is displayed.
Job Title - When selected, only information for the specific Job Title is displayed.
Home Org - When selected, only information for the specific Home Org is displayed. This is set at Employees>Employee Information. More on Org Units

Project Info

Charge Type - When selected, only project information for the specific Charge Type is displayed.
Status - When selected, only project information with the specific Status is displayed.
Client - When selected, only information for the specific Client is displayed.
Org. - When selected, only information for the specific Home Org is displayed. This is set at Projects>Members Tab. Organization unit and its children to include. If left blank, all org units are used. More on Org Units

Project Leaders

Project Manager - When selected, only information for the specific Project Manager is displayed.
Project Accountant - When selected, only information for the specific Project Accountant is displayed.
Principal In Charge - When selected, only information for the specific Principal In Charge is displayed.

Project UDFs

UDF Field - Drop-down includes any Project UDFs. More on User Defined Fields
Operator - Choices are =, <>, >, <, >=, <=, between, and is not null. Is not null is synonymous with a blank or empty field.
Value 1 -  Used with all filter operators except is not null. This is the value that completes the filter operation (except in the case of the between operator). In the case of the between this represents the lower range.
Value 2 - Used only with the between operator. This represents the upper range.
And/Or - Gives you the option of filtering using an And statement or an Or statement.