My Purchase Orders

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My Purchase Orders is a management applet geared for general users to view their submitted Purchase Orders and/or manage Purchase Orders for which they are an Approver or Delegate.


Using the filters in the header, Purchase Orders can be loaded and managed per line-item.


How to load Purchase Order lines


1.Set filters in the applet header
2.Click Run
3.Rows will load into the grid
4.Line-items can be managed individually from the grid or en masse by highlighting multiple rows



Field Descriptions




Approve - Mark highlighted line-items as Approved
Reject - Mark highlighted line-items as Rejected
Issue - Issue an approved Purchase Order to the Vendor. Launches the Issue Purchase Order dialogue.
Received - Mark highlighted line-items as Received
Convert to Purchase Journal - Converts a received Purchase Order to a Purchase Journal for standard A/P Processing and Billing. Launches the Convert to Purchase Order dialogue.


Filters and Grid Columns


# Purchase Order Items - Label showing the number of selected line-items
Toggle All - Checks/Unchecks all loaded rows in the grid


My Purchase Orders uses standard Purchasing Filters and Columns.