Header Accounts Receivable>Sales Journal

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The Sales Journal Header section is referred to as the control side. It contains the common data for a client invoice, A/R Account and Transaction Amount.


Key Concepts

The Sales Journal makes assumptions on debits and credits. It assumes the detail amount is a credit, so when you enter a positive amount, it is saved behind the scenes as a negative (credit).
There are three key fields that uniquely identify a client invoice.
oThe Accounts Receivable Account
oThe Client
oThe Invoice Number
With proper permissions, the client or invoice number can be edited on a previously saved record. Select the Notes icon next to each field. No audit is retained on the change.


Field Descriptions

Transaction ID -  The unique identification number of this transaction.  This displays in the header next to "Sales Journal".
Batch ID - The Batch ID that the selected transaction is a part of. More on Batch Entries
** A/R Account - The Accounts Receivable G/L account is the control account. It must have a sub-ledger type of Accounts Receivable. A/R sub-ledger reports can be printed for an individual or combined account (account indifferent). More on Chart of Accounts
** Client - Client for this transaction. Once saved, you need special permission to change. More on Clients
** Invoice Number - Client invoice number. Once saved, you need special permission to change.
Bill To Address - Assigned bill-to address for this invoice. Clicking on it will generate a list of available addresses, as well as the currently selected one. If button text is red, no address has been assigned.
G/L Comments - Comments to appear in G/L report. Will show on control side and, if no G/L comment is entered on the line item, it will also print on those as well.
Amount - Amount of invoice. Must balance to the line entries in the detail section.
Amount Status - Status of the amount invoiced, statuses include: Paid, Unpaid or Partial. You can view the associated transaction by clicking the status. The break out list contains additional links to the actual receipts.
Invoice Date - Client invoice date.
Due Date - Automatically calculated by adding net days from the client setup to the invoice date. This is set at Accounts Receivable>Clients>Billing Tab>Payment Terms Section. The Due Date can be overridden here.
As Of Date - The As of Date that was use when running Automated Invoicing. More on Automated Invoicing