Labor Section Utilities>Invoice Design

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An invoice design can have multiple Labor sections, either hourly based or fixed fee (this includes percent complete).



Key Concepts

Labor Sections control both hourly and fixed fee (or Lump Sum) sections of an invoice.
There can be as many labor sections as desired.
Labor sections usually are set to post values, but there are times when the user will not want to have a section post data. For example, government contracts use a multi-schedule invoice. The agency sometimes requires labor to be listed and summed by discipline (job title) and then listed and summed by phase. This would require two labor sections, but since the designs cover the same timesheets, only one would be posted.  If you want a section to NOT post, simply uncheck the boxes located in the Post section of an Invoice Section.


Field Descriptions


Textbox - The name of the Labor section can be edited here. Must be unique.
Invoice Filter - The Invoice Filter variable is set here. More on Invoice Filters
Print When Zero - When checked, the section will print regardless if there are any current amounts to be billed.


Mark Billed

Mark Labor as Billed - Available only when Is Hourly Based is NOT checked. When checked, all labor transactions for the project are flagged as billed.
Mark ICC as Billed - When checked, associated ready to bill ICC charges will be flagged as billed.
Mark ODC as Billed - When checked, associated ready to bill ODC charges will be flagged as billed.  This should be used when ODC are not being passed through to your client.  Please note that only expense projects nodes with a non-zero fixed fee amount will be flagged.
Mark OCC as Billed - When checked, associated ready to bill OCC charges will be flagged as billed.  This should be used when OCC are not being passed through to your client. Please note that only expense projects nodes with a non-zero fixed fee amount will be flagged.



Is Hourly Based - When checked, the labor section is an hourly section. When unchecked, the section is either Fixed Fee of Lump sum (depending on the Use Lump Sum flag).
Use Bill Rates - When checked, Bill Rates are used rather than multipliers. Note in the field descriptions that some fields are shown/hidden depending on this check-box.
Process when Zero PC - When checked, the invoice will Process the Fixed Fee even when the Percent Complete is zero. 


Lump Sum

Use Lump Sum – When checked, the system will look at the lump sum field value, rather than the percent complete.

Note - Lump sum is a way to bill a lump fee instead of a Percent Complete of fee. In order to use this feature, you must use an invoice design whose labor section has been designated to use this field.  Two new invoice formats that support lump sum billing have been added. Lump Sum Level 1 works at the project level while Lump Sum Level 2 works at the phase level (e2nd level).

Ignore Previously Billed – When checked, the system will not look at previously billed amounts when calculating the current amount.  In normal fixed fee billing, the calculated current amount plus the previously billed is compared to the contract amount to determine the amount to be invoiced.  This can be useful for cycle type billings, where a set amount is to be invoiced each month.
Reset Lump Sum to Zero on Post - When checked, the system will zero out the entered lump sum amount, when the invoice is posted.


Use Hourly Labor For

Premium Time - When checked, premium time (Overtime) is included.
Non-Premium Time - When checked, regular time is included.
Principals - When checked, principals are included. This looks at the Job Type of Principal In Charge located at Employees>Employee Information Tab>Company Information>Job Type
Non-Principals - When checked, non-principals are included.  This looks at the Job Type of Principal In Charge located at Employees>Employee Information Tab>Company Information>Job Type
Non-Exempt Employees - When checked, non-exempt employees are included. Employees are considered exempt if the Hourly check-box IS selected in Employees>Pay History Tab.
Exempt Employees - When checked, exempt employees are included. Employees are not considered exempt if the Hourly check-box IS NOT selected in Employees>Pay History Tab.
Subcontractors - When checked, subcontractor are included. This looks at the Subcontractor flag located at Employees>Employee Information Tab>Company Information>Subcontractor
Non-Subcontractors - When checked, subcontractor are included.


Labor Cap

Description - Available only for hourly sections. Specifies what portion of labor is compared to an upset. Leave blank for No Upset.

Drop-down - This is where the labor cap is enforced. The options are Bill Amount (When "Use Bill Rates" flag is checked),  Direct Labor, Direct Labor + DPE + Overhead, and Direct Labor + DPE + Overhead + Profit (When "Use Bill Rates" flag is unchecked).   You can cap the cost or the billable value.


WBS Levels

Show - Number of levels below project level of the WBS to include.

Note - This is the level of the WBS that the Labor will be posted in the Sales Journal Entry.  So in reporting, if you are posting to the top level (0), your billings will be recognized at the top level.

Include Sublevels with No Billing - When checked, nodes with no billing info will be included in the Dataset. Typically this is used on Fixed Fee and Not to Exceed invoice designs.



Direct Labor -  Available for hourly sections. When checked, base portion of labor will be posted.
DPE + Overhead - Available for hourly sections. When checked, DPE and overhead of labor will be posted.
Profit - Available for hourly sections. When checked, profit portion of labor will be posted.
Fixed Fee - Available for fixed fee sections. When checked, fixed fee will be posted.


Columns Grid

Description - The Columns grid is only available for hourly sections. A list of Fields that can be added to the Dataset of the labor RDL file. Checking the box simply adds the field to the Dataset in the RDL file.  It does not make the information show up on the section in the invoice.  To have the information show up on the invoice, you must download the section, tweak it, and then upload it back into the system.

EmpCode - Employee code. More on Employees
EmpName - Employee name
JobTitleCode - Job Title Code. More on Job Titles
JobTitleName - Job Title Name
LaborCode - Labor Code. More on Labor Codes
Labor Name - Labor Name
WorkDate - Work Date
BillHrs - Bill Hours
BillRate - Bill Rate; Available only when Use Bill Rates is checked.
BillBaseRate - Base Rate. Available only when Use Bill Rates is not checked.
BillBasePremMU - Base Rate Premium Multiplier. Available only when Use Bill Rates is not checked.
BillDPEMult - DPE multiplier. Available only when Use Bill Rates is not checked.
BillOHMult - Overhead multiplier. Available only when Use Bill Rates is not checked.
BillPRMult - Profit multiplier. Available only when Use Bill Rates is not checked.
IsHourly - Flag indicating if time was recorded for an hourly employee.
IsPremium - Flag indicating if line item is premium (Overtime) time.
PMComments - Project management comments from time collection.
Home Org Code - The Code of the Org. Unit that the Employee is assigned to at Employees>Employee Information Tab>Company Information>Org. Unit. More on Org Units
Home Org Path - The Path of the Org. Unit that the Employee is assigned to.
Home Org Name - The Name of the Org. Unit that the Employee is assigned to.
Home Org Long Name - The Long Name of the Org. Unit that the Employee is assigned to. The Long Name contains a concatenation of the Parent Org.
Charge Org Code - The Code of the Org. Unit that the Project that the employee is putting time against. This is assigned at Projects>Members Tab>Organizational Charging
Charge Org Path - The Path of the Org. Unit that the Project that the employee is putting time against.
Charge Org Name - The Name of the Org. Unit that the Project that the employee is putting time against.
Charge Org Long Name - The Long Name of the Org. Unit that the Project that the employee is putting time against. The Long Name contains a concatenation of the Parent Org.
Location Code - Location Code. More on Locations
Location Name - Location Name.
PEDate - .  This is the timesheet period end date.
LineID - .  This allows for line items transactions to not be grouped based on the non-aggregate field chosen.  For example if you design was showing payee name and date and you had two line items in purchases with the same payee and date the invoice design would automatically summarize them as one line.  By adding this field to the selected columns in the section design the system would then not summarize these.
TransID - This is the transaction ID of the Journal that the transaction comes from. A prefix containing the first letter of the journal is attached to the returned field.